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Wiccan Tradition

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Tradition Name
Alexandrian Tradition
Founder Name
Alex Sanders
Date Founded
1960 (approx)
Traditional Witch Cult (disputed)
Date Disbanded
Initiatory Mystery Tradition

The Alexandrian Tradition was founded by Alex and Maxine Sanders in the 1960's. The name is taken from the Library at Alexandria which is considered to be the first of it's kind - a repositary of knowledge from all over the world. Sanders claimed that he was originally initiated by his Grandmother Who was a Cunning Healer and that his practise was therefore hereditory, with links to the Witch Cult of Europe. Maxine Sanders also maintained that although Sanders was later initiated into Wicca, he was indeed taught a form of witchcraft by his grandmother when he was young. She describes Mrs Bibby as an austere lady, wise in folklore, who taught her grandson magic with his mother's knowledge and permission. According to the accounts by his ex-wife Maxine Sanders, he was a member of at least two Covens before marrying Maxine and founding the Alexandrian "London Coven" from which many modern Alexandrians descend. It is known that he was initiated into Gardnerian Wicca in 1963, before establishing his own tradition.

Alex Sanders was introduced to esoteric ideas from a young age, and went on to study ceremonial magick. As a result, this tradition has many influences drawn from ceremonial magick. It is very similar to the Gardnerian Tradition, except for a few minor differences when it comes to associations of the elements.

Initiatory System

Alexandrians stress the importance of initiation, and that in order to become Wiccan one must complete this vital rite of passage. The early initiates of the Sanders’ referred to themselves simply as "the Wicca, " or Witches. The name of the Sanders' particular lineage was later codified in the early 70's. The AlexandrianTradition has been both fortunate and unfortunate enough to be one of the most, if not the most documented Wiccan Tradition to date. Naturally many misconceptions have arisen about Alexandrian Tradition.


Prior to becoming a neophyte or dedicant, the existing coven members would have identified the person as a good fit with their group and would have subtly interviewed the prospective member through inviting him/her to open rituals or other casual gatherings. Then the official offer to join the coven would be made and, if accepted, the member would become a neophyte in order to start studying without being bound by oaths to the group. This initial phase may last a year or longer, depending on the person. This exposes the candidates to the tradition and to the close family bond, which is the heart of a coven. It also allows both the candidate and the Coven Elders to decide if the vocational calling is there as well as the necessary interpersonal dynamics. The tradition is matrifocal. The High Priestess is considered "first among equals" and holds the final word in all coven matters. Once deemed ready by the High Priestess, the neophyte will now have the option to undertake the first degree of initiation and make a more serious commitment to the path.

First Degree

To become an Alexandrian initiate one must be initiated by a properly prepared and authorized Alexandrian High Priestess or Priest in a cross-gendered Initiation. Traditional initiatory rites must be used without subtraction, as passed through each lineage from the original Alexandrian coven. It is not possible to "self-Initiate" into Alexandrian Wicca.

A first-degree initiate is a Priest or Priestess of the tradition; a second degree Initiate is a High Priest or Priestess of the tradition and a coven elder. The third degree is often reserved for coven leaders. The time between each degree can vary greatly from one lineage to another, and depends on each line's and coven's focus and views on the initiatory and training experience. In the Alexandrian Tradition, one progresses through the degrees not through time in grade, but through growth within oneself and the Gods.

Traditionally the word of the High Priest (ess) is law within the coven, although the authority of coven leaders does not extend beyond Craft matters. It has been called a benevolent dictatorship by some. Traditionally the High Priest co-leads the coven in cooperation with and in support of the High Priestess. Initiatory lineage is traced cross-gendered (female to male to female etc.) back to the late Alex Sanders and his High Priestesses, such as Maxine. While lineage is not oath bound within the tradition, it is not a matter of public record either, and is often considered "private."

Shortly after Initiation each initiate begins to copy the Book of Shadows out of his or her initiator's handwritten book. It is considered the responsibility of each initiator to pass on the Tradition, both written and oral lore, as it was passed to them with no omissions. In this way the continuity of our heritage is ensured. Contrary to popular belief one cannot purchase an Alexandrian Book of Shadows, nor download one from the Internet. While these books exist, they were constructed from published information, and were intended for use as a set of documents similar in style to the Book of Shadows by serious students of the tradition. They are, however, different from the Book of Shadows used by initiates. The only way to obtain a complete Alexandrian Book of Shadows is to be initiated in the time-honored traditional way.

Second Degree

A second degree Initiate can hive, form a new coven, and may initiate up to his or her own degree in most lines, with the permission of their elders. Second-degree High Priest (ess) -led covens are under the supervision and authority of the HPS and HP of the Mother Coven until they are deemed ready to take the third degree. The amount of autonomy a second degree Elder has varies from line to line. A third Degree High Priest (ess) is completely autonomous in our tradition, answering only to the Gods and the tradition as a whole. Autonomy does not mean lack of accountability. A second degree initiate can initiate a member up to his/her degree.

Third Degree

This is the final stage of initiation. A third degree initiate is referred to as a High Priestess or High Priest. They may leave to form new covens of their own and initiate anyone up to their level.


The Alexandrian Tradition covens often

Ritual Tools

Prominant Members
